Friday, May 9, 2014

Romeo and juliet

This term we have read the novel Romeo and Juliet and then we have watched the actually film. 
I think It was a very beautifull and attractive play and was wrote by William Shaekspeare. But I didn't like the film because it was very rare and shocking film. I didn't understand.And then I didn't like the music and the effects I think the play  It's better than the film.

The Play 

There was a Capulet boy, Romeo who was in love with one girl, Juliet. But there was a problem because capulets and Montagues they hate each other for a hundred of years. Romeo had one cousin. His name was Benvolio.He spends most of the play trying to help Romeo get his mind off Rosaline, even after Romeo has fallen in love with Juliet. And one friend Mercutio. He finds Romeo’s romanticized ideas about love tiresome, and tries to convince Romeo to view love as a simple matter of sexual appetite. There was another character: Friar Laurence. This is the person who married Romeo and Juliet and help Juliet becuase she didn't want married with the Prince. There were Lady Montague and Lord Montague also. There were the parents of Juliet. Finally, there was Prince of Cats. There was an incredible boy. Was the cousin of Juliet and he love figthing.

 William shakespeare (novel)

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